The NGC Gardening Study Courses are designed to provide educational information to those especially interested in gardening, horticulture and related subjects.
The School consists of a series of four courses, scheduled usually for two days of instruction, followed by a general examination. Courses cover all aspects of growing, from understanding soil structure to pruning techniques, plant identification, etc. Topics include basic botany, soils, growing annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables, lawns, pests and diseases of plants, plant classification, and selected subjects of local interest. For More information visit: National Garden Clubs, Inc.
The mission of the Environmental Studies Schools is to teach environmental literacy to cherish, protect and conserve the living earth. The courses teach participants environmental literacy, appreciation of the natural world, encourages action for sustainable development and appreciation for the interrelation of all natural things. Particular emphasis is presently placed on land conservation, water conservation and air quality. For more information visit: National Garden Clubs, Inc.
The Landscape Design Study Courses offer a series of four 10-hour courses. The courses cover the history of landscape design as well as instruction from landscape architects in a variety of design techniques used in home and municipal settings.
The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects: from landscape design history to landscape architecture in the year 2000 and beyond. Since its founding in 1958, professional instructors have maintained the high standards originally incorporated in the study program. Also offered are many optional programs, such as conferences, symposia and tours. Students acquire the tools for making their own gardens more beautiful and easier to maintain. Many students have been motivated to serve in political decision-making areas where awareness of the impact of a well-designed landscape can enhance the beauty and enjoyment of life in the public arena.
For more information visit: National Garden Clubs, Inc.
A General Course of Study for Members, Exhibitors and Judges
Come and join us for Flower Show Schools! Flower Show Schools is not only for prospective flower show exhibitors and judges, but also for all garden club members and all persons interested in flower design and horticulture. While the primary purpose of these courses is to train those wishing to become flower show judges, many people attend for information only and those people do not have to take the examinations!
For more information visit: National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Advanced Study for Flower Show Judges.
The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs offers symposiums every year. See EVENTS at Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. website
Symposium is an in-depth course of design, horticulture and allied subjects pertaining to flower shows that is more advanced than presented in Flower Show Schools. These courses are primarily intended for Flower Show Judges to maintain their credentials, but all garden club members interested in learning more about flower shows, floral design and horticulture are encouraged to attend. For more information visit: National Garden Clubs, Inc.
The Floral Design Study Series is a unique series of lectures, demonstrations, and critiqued, workshops sponsored by FFGC. Talented, accredited instructors are available throughout the state to teach the classes. This is a comprehensive program by Bob Thomas, internationally renowned floral designer from Florida. Bob was responsible for the Basic Six Units, and Florida's own Wilma Paulauskas wrote the curriculum for the Three Advanced Units.The Program focuses on Basic Floral Design for the home and for Flower Shows using fresh LIVE plant materials and flowers. Those who attend all nine lectures and workshops will receive a Certificate suitable for framing. Live Materials, greens and flowers are supplied for the first three classes. Advance registration required. An Information packet is available for the Chairman/Committee hosting the program. See EVENTS at Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. website
Floral Design Units 1-9 FFGC pages (pdf)
Attached is the Brochure for the NGC Gardening Course 1 Series 11
to be held on Zoom. Sept. 30 - October 1 & 2 8:15 - 12 pm
Annual FFGC/UF event held in Gainesville. Leaders in horticulture and design speaking throughout the event. Tri-Refresher* qualified. All Members are encouraged to attend.
Approved for Master Gardeners
“Digging It!” is Florida’s NGC Award winning Horticulture Study Series covering topics such as Nomenclature, Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs, Containers, Arboreal, Fruits and Vegetables, Vines and others. This program has 14 optional topics to trade in and out to suit your area and interests. After the first course, the others can be taken in any order. Individual topic outlines can be used for garden club, junior gardener or horticulture therapy programs. This is a hands-on workshop, informally formatted program with a certificate upon completion of all 10 lessons in 2 years’ time. A General Guide and a 171 page Instructor’s Manual are available for purchase. Contact your District Horticulture Chairman to find out if and when a “Digging It!” series is being held in your area
An exclusive FFGC educational opportunity with speakers, horticulture and design, workshops, field trips, food, vendors and door prizes. Short Course North is a two day event held yearly in the Florida Panhandle in August. A variety of topics related to gardening, landscaping, and the environment are explored. Speakers represent IFAS, area growers, and other knowledgeable plant experts. Approved for Master Gardeners (Advanced Training: 10 hours of CEUs.)
Tropical Short Course is an annual two-day educational event sponsored by FFGC and District X. This course incorporates speakers on the environment, gardening,landscape and floral design. There also is an Opportunity Drawing and vendors.Those attending the event come away from Tropical Short Course with new information, ideas and most important a desire to reach out to fellow gardeners, and friends about what they learned. Remember numbered seating is by date of registration. Master Gardeners earn their CEUs by attending Tropical Short Course.
he Tri-Council was formed to unite the Environmental, Gardening, and Landscape Design Consultants Councils to provide resources and educational and networking opportunities, to share meeting time, newsletter, and yearbook. The three councils have grown into a strong organization as they work together to protect the environment, increase knowledge in horticulture and promote excellence in landscape design.
The Tri-Council goals are to advance and continue the study of the environment, gardening and landscape design, encourage and promote sponsorship of and attendance at the National Garden Clubs schools and refreshers, serve on local and state committees, and promote education with lectures, workshops, conferences and tours
Garden Club Members are eligible to apply for Four Star Membership upon completions of all four (4) National Garden Club Schools sponsored by FFGC:
Environmental School
Flower Show Judges School
Gardening School
Landscape Design School
Being certified in these four schools is quite an achievement! NGC honors members who completed these schools and are currently certified. Four Star Members may apply for a Five Star Membership when the level of Master is obtained in all four schools. New Four and Five Star Members are recognized each year at the State Convention and their names appear in The Florida Gardener magazine.
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